
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions clients have before working with me. Please read through them carefully. If you have any unanswered questions, I would be happy to answer them.

Where are you located?2023-03-29T15:28:18-07:00

I am now located just south of Duncan BC on a small farm.

Are your services covered by my employee benefit plan?2023-03-29T15:28:49-07:00


What are your qualifications?2023-03-29T15:30:18-07:00

I have a Masters of Counselling Psychology, a Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science, a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Education aside, I consder myself a Mystic in the Matrix as Humanity goes through a big shift in our collective consciousness.

Where can I park?2023-03-29T15:31:24-07:00

You will be updated with this information if you register for a course. There is ample onsite parking.

Kyle Cheveldayoff

People reach out to me seeking assistance in the areas of: Stress Reduction, Improved Thoughts, Emotions/Feelings/Sensations, Consciousness Expansion, Passion/Happiness in Life, Balance of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Contact Info

1268 Walnut Street
Victoria, BC
V8T 1N6
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